Terms and Conditions for study booth use
If you wish to use a library study booth, you are agreeing to the following Terms and Conditions.
If do not follow these Terms and Conditions you will be asked to leave the booth and all users of the booth may receive a ban.
Booking a booth.
You must book a booth before use.
You can only book a booth when the Library is open.
You can only book a booth for 2 sessions of up to 2 hours in a day.
You can book up to a week in advance.
You should arrive on time for your booking, if you do not arrive within the first fifteen minutes of your booking it may be cancelled to allow others to use the booth
If you want to extend your booking, and the booth is available, you can extend it at the Library Desk.
You can not extend a booking until the last 15 minutes of a booking.
If you are banned from using a booth your booking will be cancelled.
Using a booth.
Everyone using the booth must have a booth card issued to them.
You must not give your booth card to anyone else and must return it at the end of a booking.
You must have the booth pass on display in the booth.
You must only use the booth for study purpose and behave appropriately.
You must leave or extend your session when your booking ends.
You must make sure the booth is left tidy, clean and fit for use.
You must not eat in the booth.
You must ensure all drinks are in containers with lids.
You will show your College card when asked.
You will not exceed the maximum number of users allowed in a booth.
You will not leave a booked booth unoccupied for an extended length of time
You take responsibility for anything left unattended in a booth.
You will return the Booth Pass and Booth Cards at the end of a booking.
Being banned from a booth.
If you do not follow the rules above, you may be banned from using the booths.
You will not be also be banned from using a booth if you have any item overdue from the Library.
If you are banned, a suspension is usually for one calendar month.
If you use a booth while serving a ban you will receive a further ban of one calendar month, which will be added to the end of your current ban.
If you have been previously banned and are found in a booth not following these Terms and Conditions you will receive a further ban.
If you receive a third ban, you will be suspended from using the booths for the rest of the academic year.
The Library reserves the right to impose a longer ban depending on the behaviour observed.