Request and Collect: The Library “Request and Collect” service made a real difference to students who were not coming regularly into campus. We recognise that many students are still studying online so we have introduced this service for all students.
New Online resources: We switched more of our physical titles to online, including Early Years Educator, Wallpaper, ARTnews, Selvedge, Aperture, Black Beauty and Hair, and Ceramics. This means we now provide virtual access to the physical formats which keeps the look and feel; an important element for the design and art titles.
New online services: Online Library Online reading groups with ESOL students have been a huge success. Students have been reading our new selection of Graded Readers which are available online in a 'flippy' format. Read more in the T&A article here
More e-Books: during the lockdown we invested heavily in e-books and continue to do so to support blended and flexible learning. Where an e-book on a reading list is available and affordable, we will buy a copy.
United Values Library Online page: Our United Values pages continue to be regularly updated. These guides have been promoted to Student Services and the Students Union for inclusion in their promotions. Our United Values guides support the College’s monthly themes such as Prevent, Human Rights, Well-being and Climate Change.
New e-books for Employability: Purchase of 20 Kogan Page e-book titles in perpetuity on essential career planning and employability skills. Promoted to Bradford College Careers service and links on Library Catalogue, Library Online and College website.
New ways to contact us: over lockdown, the Library introduced an online Chat function to the Library Online. Chat is available during library opening hours and is an easy way to get an immediate answer to a query.