Library Services Customer Charter
We will work to ensure that all our customers can benefit from the Library’s collections, services and expertise, by improving access and creating a welcoming environment, both onsite and online. You can expect:
- excellent customer service from a friendly and knowledgeable staff
- equality of access to our services, resources and facilities
- a quality learning environment, conducive to study and research
- relevant, current and high-quality printed and electronic resources to support your study and research
- a professional enquiry service to help you use the library effectively
- your comments and complaints to be dealt with promptly and in confidence
- your feedback and ideas to be used to develop and review our services
- the Library to work in partnership with academic and other support staff to develop your information, research and digital literacy skills
- an Inter-Library Loan service to supplement the Library’s holdings
We expect you to:
- make the most of the library resources and services
- give us feedback about the service so we can continually improve
- show consideration to other library users and staff
- return Library loans when requested on time
- take responsibility for items that you borrow or use in the library
- check your Bradford College email account regularly and respond to library communications
The Library is committed to providing high-quality customer service in partnership with our library users.