A staffed Library Information Desk and Library Chat will be available during the opening times advertised on the Library web site.
E-mail enquiries will receive an answer or an acknowledgement within 2 working days.
All courses will have a named Academic Liaison Librarian and an online subject guide
We will deal with orders and requests for material efficiently, and ensure that books are made available as soon as possible.
Returned items will be shelved within 24 hours to maintain a well-ordered book stock.
Requests for items will be satisfied within 24 hours of a requested item being made available in the Library.
Latest issue of a print journal issue will be displayed on the Journal shelves in the Library within 5 working days.
We will contribute to the student experience through a broad range of Library initiatives and activities that mirror college themes and national campaigns where appropriate
We will provide an initial response to feedback, enquiries and complaints within 3 working days.
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