Library Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
The Library team will create a
Service Level Agreement for every Higher Education (HE)Head of School (HoS) which will include 100% invitation to all HE course committees; 100% induction at Level 4 to all HE courses; and 50% refresher/feedback session to Level 5 and Level 6.
95% of students who are surveyed agree that library resources are accessible.
Audit all reading collections (RC/YA/ESOL) to ensure there are a full range of diverse voices. Identify benchmarks for subject matter (LGBTQ+, Country, Disability, Gender, Age, SLD) and author (country of origin, ethnicity, gender).
Pilot an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) project with English GCSE students on capturing the student voice with the aim to roll this out to the wider college community, students and staff.
At least 50% of books on every reading list will be available as an e-book.