You can find books held at the ATC, David Hockney and Trinity Green Libraries by using the
Library Catalogue, or you can use the box at the top of this page.
You can search the catalogue by entering details about the title, author, or subject that you are looking for.
You can sort your results by relevance, or list the most recent publications first.
The catalogue will tell where to find an item by telling you:
- The Library: this will either be the ATC Library, the Hockney Library or Trinity Green Library.
- The Location: This will tell you which Library the book is shelved in. It will also show you where you need to look in that library, eg the Main Collection, the Reading Zone, or the Study Skills collection.
- The Shelfmark: Most library books are shelved using the Dewey Decimal system. This indicates the subject of the book, and means that books on the same subject will be next to each other on the shelves.
You can look for the signs on top or end of the shelves to help find the shelfmark you are looking for in the Library.
Choose one of the Library tabs to see a plan of that library and which shelf you can find each shelfmark in that libraries Main Collection
If you want to browse the shelves to see what is available choose the subject you want from the subject index and then go to the relevant subject index.
If you cannot find what you are looking for, or the catalogue says the item is in the DHB Library Store, then ask a member at the Library Information Desk.