Which referencing management tool is best for you? The chart below may answer some of your questions, or click on the tabs for more detailed information and guides.
Name of Software | Use this for | Notes |
Microsoft Word - References tool | Adding citations and references to your Word document as you write. Add details of the publication using a simple form with source types such as Book, Journal Article and Website. Select the output style (eg.Harvard). Can also generate bibliographies. | Good for shorter assignments and encourages you to keep track of all your references. |
Discover and Emerald folders | Saving articles to folders which can then be easily accessed at any time. Create hierarchical folders to organise articles by module and topic. Provides a Cite feature so you can copy and paste references in the correct format. Citations can be exported into Menderley or Zotero. | Good for easily retrieving articles which are available from Discover. |
Menderley | Adding documents that you have saved on your computer using drag-and-drop, or install the web importer to directly import from the web. Organise articles into folders. Menderley saves PDF versions where available so you can have an online library. You can also save directly to Menderley from Emerald. | Saves PDFs and offers a number of social features. |
This is a very useful tool within Microsoft word and is worth getting familiar with as soon as you start writing your first assignment.
In-text citation
Along the top of your Word document you will see tab called References (you may be familiar with using this to add footnotes). To add an in-text citation, put your cursor at the point where you want your reference to appear. Click on References and choose Harvard. Select Insert Citation. Choose Add New Source. Choose the type of source that you are citing - book, journal article, web-site etc. Then fill in the details. Once you have saved your citation, the information will be available for you to use again.
Bibliography / Reference List
Once you have added your citations, you can create a bibliography with that information. Put the cursor where you want the bibliography to go, then select References and choose a format. Then click on Bibliography and click on Insert Bibliography.
Adding new citations
If you add new citations to your document, you can update your bibliography by right clicking anywhere in your list and selecting Update Field.
What are folders in Discover?
When you search Discover (or any ESBCOhost database such as SocIndex or Business Source) you will notice that a small folder icon appears next to all your search results. This icon allows you to save your results into folders which you can access any time you log into any EBSCO database.
In Discover you also have the option to save and re-run searches, and set up search and journal alerts so you can keep researching even when you’re not logged in.
Saving items to your Folder
Start your search. Remember you can limit your search by Date of Publication, by Source (Academic Journals, Magazines, Trade Publications, Books), and by Subject, Language, and more.
To save individual records, click on the Add to Folder image next to each record. If you have already created folders, you will be given the option to save the record in any of those folders. Otherwise, just save to My Folder.
Viewing your folder
View your folder by either clicking on Folder View in the top right of the screen, or the My Folder icon in the top bar. You should see a list of all the records that you have saved and you can access the full-text from here.
The My Custom feature provides the ability to create numerous folders, each on a particular topic, in which various results can be stored. You can also create sub-folders to manage more results. Click on the New link to the right of the My Custom link. You will see a Create New Folder Screen to enter your topic name and a description if you wish.
You can now move your results to the new folder by clicking in the box beside the title of the result, and clicking on the Move To drop down list. You will see a list of your folders displayed.
From Folder View, you can go back to your search results by clicking on the back button.
For more information on Folders, click on the Question mark next to your name in the top left of the screen.
Printing, Email and Saving Your Results.
You can Print, Email, or Save your results. You can also export to referencing software such as Zotero and EndNote Web. If you have Mendeley Desktop on your device, you can also download to there. Click on the icons to the right of the screen. .
Starting Out
The Mendeley video below is a 1 minute introduction to Mendeley. More help videos are available on their YouTube site here.
Uploading articles from Discover
If you find an article you want to save in your Discover results, click on the Export option in the right hand column. Click on the first option (Direct export in RIS format) and select Save. You will see the export file download (and which will also appear in your downloads folder): click on that and the reference will be imported into Mendeley Desktop. Note that Mendeley doesn't need to be open but it does need to be installed on the machine that you are using.
Uploading webpages or PDFs from the Internet - in progress
Creating citations and bibliographies - in progress
Find Related Research - in progress
Collaboration and Sharing Tools - in progress
There are many tools to help you organise your work. You can save references in Word which can be easily imported as citations or into bibliographies. You can create profiles in Discover to save items to view later, and export citations (this will include Emerald references). If you have a large number of articles, websites and book records to keep track of, we recommend you start using referencing software. Using something like Menderley will allow you to create your own online library, where you can store and manage everything you want to keep in one place, saving you time. Referencing software allows you to:
Some referencing management tools also have social networking features.