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Bradford College
Library Online
Library User Library Account

Using the Self-Service kiosks

How to use the Libraries self-service kiosks

How to borrow items

Here you can find help on using the Library's self service kiosks to borrow items from the Library.

If you have any trouble please ask a member of Library staff.

Swipe or use the arrows to navigate through the guide.

Self Service Home Page

After finding what you want to borrow come to a self-service kiosk.

To take an item out press


To borrow an item you will need to log in, to do this you must scan your College card.

Place  your card with your picture facing up so the red light shines on the barcode.

You now have to to enter your PIN.  

This is the year you were born as four numbers, e.g. 2001.

Once you have entered your PIN press


If this doesn't work, please ask at the Library Information Desk.

Self Service Kiosk

Now place the books you want to borrow in the large illuminated opening under the screen.

You can put more than one book in at a time.

The titles of the books you place in the opening will be displayed on the screen with their return date.

If you can't borrow a book or there is another problem the item will be highlighted red and you will be  asked to contact a member of Library staff.

Once an item has been issued to you it will be highlighted in green.

Check all your books are displayed then press

Finish Button

You will now be a able to get a printed receipt if you want one showing all the items you have from the library and the date they need to be returned.

To get a receipt press

Print Reciept

The Library  will send an email your College account to let you know when it borrowed and when it is due back.