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Library Catalogue Help

How to use the Library Catalogue to find items and check your account

Adding items to a list

To add an item to a list first need to find it (see Standard Searching or Advanced Searching Tabs). Once you have found the item you want in the results list (see Your Results Tabs)
Now use the  link

This will open the following pop-up box 

You can either add the item to an existing list using the drop down menu at the top of the box and then using Save.
You can  choose  to add the item to a new list by entering its name, choosing whether it will be private or public and then using Save.
To close the box click Cancel or Close this Window.

Controlling your Lists

To change the setting fn your Lists log into your Account (see Your Account tab) and then choose the the Your Lists link from the side of the page.

You will be show the following about your lists:

List Name:

This is the name you have given the list. This is a link to see the items in the list.


This is how many items are in the list.


This is whether the list is private or public.

A private list is only visable to you and any one you invite to see it.

A public list is visable to everyone.

Clicking Edit will open the following box

Clicking delete will let you remove a list from the catalogue