If you you want to access your Library Account (see Your Account Tab) you will need to Log in. You will also need to log in if you want to reserve an item, create a list or add comments.
How to log in
If you want to access your Library account or to reserve a book you will need to log in.
The Log in to your account Link is at the top right of the screen on every page of the Library Catalogue and will bring up a Log in box.
If you are using a mobile device you will need to use the icon to bring up the log in box.
Once the Log in box opens log in using your College number, as it appears on your College card, and your Library PIN.
Your PIN will be the year you were born, if this doesn't work please contact the Library desk during staffed hours.
Once you have logged in you will be taken in to your account page (See Your Account tab)
When your logged in
When you have logged in the following will appear at the top of the screen.
Click on your name to access your account details from anywhere in the catalogue.
Search History will let you see what you have looked for whilst logged in.
If you return to the home page whilst logged you will see a summary of your Library use on the right of the page.
How to log out
Once you have logged in the following will appear at the top of the screen, click on to log out.
Always remember to log out on, especially on a public machine.