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Access to HE Nursing and Midwifery: Databases and DISCOVER

This the Access to Nursing and Midwifery Library Guide. Here you can find help on finding and using the resources the Library provides.
Search articles, books, journals & more

Where should I start?

If you are looking for books and journal articles for your assignment,  DISCOVER Search,  our single search tool,  is a great place to start. 

DISCOVER Search is a quick and easy way to search all the College Library’s resources, print and electronic, including the Library Catalogue, and find full text information.  You can search for books, e-books, and journal articles. DISCOVER Search is a bit like using Google except that the results are only for our resources and therefore suitable for your college course.

Databases are online collections of information that you can search to find full text journal articles, reports, news stories and images or videos.  

You can select your subject area from the Subject drop down list on the A to Z Database List  or check out the "Useful Databases" section. Here you will find the databases which are most suitable to search for information in your specific subject area. 

You will be asked to enter your College IT username and password.

Search Indexes

A Search Index is a internet search engine that only searches webpages that have been chosen by specialists. They are often subject specific. They are useful for when you only have a few search terms and need academically reliable information.

Search Indexes will often include additional information about the returned pages, such as a list of where the page has been cited and related works. This can lead you to further sources of information on your subject.


Issues Online