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Bradford College
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GCSE Pathways: GCSE Religious Studies

Finding books in the Library

  Image of library shelves


These are the main shelf marks/classification numbers for books for Religious Studies.  If you are unsure where to find a specific title you can always ask at the Library Information Desk  or search the Library Catalogue. 

Subject Shelf Mark
Christianity 230
Islam 297
Religion 200


Search the Library Catalogue

Search by author, title or a subject keyword. Any matching results will be displayed.

You can then find out the following information:

  • where the book is - the shelf mark;
  • how long the book can be borrowed for; 
  • and whether a book is on the shelf or out on loan.

Can't find the book you want?

If all copies of a textbook are on loan you can place a reservation, or there may be a copy available online as an e-book. 

If the book or journal article is not available from the library you can ask for an inter-library loan.


E-books (these books are available to read online - please enter your college IT username and password)

Reading List