Referencing the use of AI in your work
Quoting or paraphrasing AI in your assignments
Check with your teacher that you can use AI text in your assignment. If so, you must reference this whether you are using direct quotes or paraphrasing. We are using ChatGPT as an example but please enter the name of the AI tool you used when referencing. Look at the example below, where a student has asked ChatGPT about using its content in an assignment.
Using a direct quote:
When ChatGPT was asked about the ethical use of AI in education, the response was "If you're using ChatGPT-generated content, it's crucial to cite it appropriately. Give credit to the AI model as the source of the information, just as you would cite any other source. This is similar to referencing a book, article, or website" (Open AI ChatGPT, 2023).
Paraphrasing the response:
ChatGPT-generated text should be cited in the way that you also cite books and websites. This is to give credit to ChatGPT as the source of the material (Open AI ChatGPT, 2023).
In your reference list:
AI SOURCE (YEAR) ChatGPT response to <your name>, DATE.
OpenAI ChatGPT (2023) ChatGPT response to Lakshmi Banner, 9th November.
It is also advised to save a copy of the full transcript, which is usually provided by the AI tool, and copy and paste it in full into an appendix at the end of your assignment. This will record both your prompts and the results.
Using AI to improve your writing style and grammar
You should not ask an AI tool to rewrite your text and paste it as your own into your assignment unless this has been approved by your teacher. However, you can ask AI to suggest ways of improving your vocabulary and grammar, and apply that information to your own writing.
You can acknowledge the use of AI by using the following wording (amend to a statement that covers your use of AI):
I acknowledge the use of OpenAI ChatGPT to generate materials for background research and independent study, however, the writing is my own and no content generated by AI has been presented as my own work.
I acknowledge the use of OpenAI ChatGPT to improve my grammar, however, the writing is my own and no content generated by AI has been presented as my own work.