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Bradford College
Library Online
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Media Makeup & Special Effects for the Creative Industries(HE): Films in the Library

Films in the Library
Through the College you have access to films and documentaries.
The Library provides you with a film collection available to borrow in DVD format.
Technology and Media provide access to a streaming format called eStream which has a collection of film and television programs that you can access using your College username and password.
DVDs in the Library
Our DVD's are housed in our Film Collection (FC) near to the art books. They are in alphabetical order by their titles on the shelves. Most of our film are narrative, but we also have some documentaries.
To see which films are available  use the link below.
eStream is a web based video library system that can stream live and archived video, audio files and photos to any PC, Mac or mobile device connected to the Intranet and Internet.
To access eStream you will need to login to do this:
  • Choose login
  • Choose Microsoft Login
  • Login using standard College logon
Once you have logged in you can search to see what content is available or you can look for the Film Studies section.
Use the links below to access eStream.